Friday, March 25, 2011

Rosalie the Vampire

A parent's worst nightmare - Rosalie bit two kids at daycare today. Now we have to figure out how to handle it - do we worry that she's a biter? Do we ignore it and pass it off as a one (two) time thing? We're told she didn't respond positively to discipline, she just smiled.

Later, one of the toddlers she bit (all involved remain anonymous) was playing with a ball; Rosalie wanted to "share" and tried to take the ball away. The toddler had it's revenge when it sank it's teeth into Rosalie's arm. We know it was a baby with eight teeth since you can count each one in the mark left behind on Rosalie's left arm.


Kristina said...

I like that she's aggressive. Go Rosalie. Cute picture. I'm sure she'll outgrow this whole biting phase. It's how they communicate when they don't have words. Teach her some words!! :-)

Kelly said...

That is quite the battle wound! Maybe she was just defending herself?!? Any kid that can leave marks like that, knows what they're doing!

Unknown said...

SHe doesnt understand punishment yet. SHe just wanted a ball. the kid that bit her was obviously older