Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ugh. Marathon. (by Rob)

Volunteers have been coming forward since the marathon was announced, and Mary has been in contact with a bunch of groups asking them to volunteer. But, while we were in New Zealand, the marathon committee got a volunteer deadline from the city - "250 traffic assistants by Apr 1 or no marathon." That news hit the media Tuesday. And the media has been giving out Mary's cell phone number.


The good news is that the marathon has more than enough volunteers.
The bad news is Mary has 20 voicemails and 100 emails each day from people wanting to volunteer with questions. I've been spending nights answering her emails while she's been on the phone calling old people without internet access (I don't mind typing that since they'll never see it).

I've never wanted a marathon to be over so much in my life :)

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